The completion of the Elmo enclosure in February marked the completion of the final enclosure funded by the Lush Charitable Giving Program. The Lush Program provides funding to small, grassroots organisations that, like us, are working tirelessly to protect animals and their environment.
The Elmo enclosure is the biggest of the projects sponsored by Lush and has taken nearly 12 months to construct. We are constantly receiving new animals confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade and so it is vital that we build new enclosures on a regular basis.
The completion of Elmo enclosure could not of come soon enough, as within days the Peruvian government confiscated nearly nine hundred parakeets, macaws and other parrots. These birds were malnourished and dehydrated and were quickly bought to Esperanza Verde. The Elmo enclosure, like our other enclosures, give these animals time to rehabilitate and hopefully once they are fit and healthy a chance to be released back into the wild.