Providing veterinary care and nutrition for all of our rescued animals is very complicated and expensive. By adopting an animal today, you can help cover the costs of an animal’s food and care for an entire year.
What do you get in return?
If you adopt an animal you will receive a personalized PDF certificate with a photo of your adopted animal. You will also be mentioned by name on our website’s thank you page. If you are a UK Tax payer your donation could also be eligible for Gift Aid. If you are interested then please contact us today via email (

Species: Margay (Leopardus wiedii)
Date of birth: August 2019
Sex: Male
Diego arrived at Esperanza Verde when he was only three weeks old and completely toothless. He was taken from the wild when people crossed his path. A local felt pity and, knowing of our existence, brought him to us. So young and without his natural mother to teach him the tricks of hunting wild prey animals, made his survival in the wild again very difficult. He has found a permanent home at Esperanza Verde and formed a close bond with our other, female margay, Grety.
Help us taking care by adopting him!
Dani (short for Daenarys)
Species: Mealy Amazon Parrot (Amazona farinosa)
Date of birth: adult when she arrived in July 2014
Sex: We think she is a female
Dani is one of our long-term residents here at Esperanza Verde and known by many as the one who makes some funny sounds. As with many birds, we don´t know their history, except for that they were confiscated from the illegal market. Dani seems to have been a pet for some time before, arriving adult and showing some self-mutilating behavior of being held in a small cage for some time. This most likely has caused some problems in one of her wings. She can´t fly, and has been bullied on several occasions by other birds, so we have been moving her around quite a lot. She has seen almost all the aviaries here, but we seem to have finally found a place she prefers, as she started making her cute sounds again, in the aviary with the non-releasable birds.
Help take care of Dani by adopting her!

Species: Yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata)
Date of birth: in the year 1997
Sex: male
Pepito already had a long history as a pet, first in the capital Lima, and then he was taken back towards the jungle, in the nearby town Curimana, where he stayed for about 10 years as a pet in the garden. The owners then heard of Esperanza Verde´s existence and wanted to give Pepito the chance to meet other tortoises. Although not often thought so, also tortoises can really become tame, and thus happened with Pepito, meaning a release for him would be impossible, especially as tortoises are a well-known delicacy for locals.
So here at Esperanza Verde he first found some companion with a tapir, but not much later he found himself surrounded by several tortoises, among which he got to enjoy a lot of, especially female, companionship. When he arrived, he was a skinny tortoise with an ugly growing carapace, but since then bit by bit he has grown into a hansom fellow of about 9 kilo heavy! Help us take care of him and his companions by adopting him!
Species: Humboldt’s woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha)
Date of birth: January 2015
Sex: Male
Moyo was bought by a man on the illegal market in Lima. He had a badly wounded tail at that time and was cured and raised as a pet in a family. He lost about half of his tail and when he grew bigger, the owners decided to bring him to us, as many other have found out, a monkey is not really a pet. At Esperanza Verde he lived some time outside. He had to be hospitalized in our clinic for treatment against parasites that almost killed him. After about 6 months of fighting he was finally declared healthy enough to join another woolly male in the safety of one of our enclosures. He is one of our biggest successes in our fight against an awful parasite.
He sure showed us what a real fighter is about, help us care for him by adopting him!

Species: Large headed capuchin (Sapajus macrochephalus)
Date of birth: March in 2015
Sex: female
Kres was a pet for about a year at a local family, before they noticed a monkey like that is not really a great pet to have. As she was opening everything and leaving a mess everywhere, they were not able to handle her. Not strange as capuchins are known to be the smartest Southern American monkeys, and they don’t like to be told off. Kres is a unique case in the fact that because she is so clever, she is able to open most doors throughout Esperanza Verde. She resides in Rimaq enclosure with another capuchin monkey and two adult male spider monkeys. This is a choice Kres has made herself as a little over two years ago she opened Rimaq enclosure letting out the current residents and putting herself in their place. When volunteers are not on their “a” game, Kres will still open the enclosure and let everyone go free, often before letting herself into the comfort of another animal enclosure. Adopt Kres and help with a truly unique creature and her companions in Rimaq enclosure.
Species: Black spider monkey (Ateles chamek)
Date of birth: January 2004
Sex: male
Lucio was brought to Esperanza Verde after being confiscated from a circus in Pucallpa. He was used during the breaks to make photos with visitors, while sitting on their laps or standing next to them. He had a collar around his neck with a leash, so he could be controlled. To make him less dangerous his canines were broken off. As an adult male that has been in captivity so long, we could not offer him a life outside at Esperanza Verde, as he might seek a mating partner among one of us humans. But he found the company of Rimaq, another adult male, and they now live together with two large headed capuchins, Kres and Apollo, in the large enclosure, ´Rimaq´. Sometimes they are joined by Cumala or Yanay, the adult females living in semi-captivity.
Help us taking care for Lucio, keeping his enclosure safe and full of enrichment by adopting him!

Mayantu, a large headed female capuchin, was carried here on the arm by a young girl from the village in December 2017, only 6 weeks old. Her mother was shot and eaten by the family and she was taken home as a pet. Very skinny, but alert and active, we took her under our care. It brings back memories of the beginning, when we took care of the first monkey of Esperanza Verde, Mica, now a healthy adult female brown capuchin. Mayantu, with part of her tail missing, which happened when they killed her mother, has adapted very well and has joined the bigger group of capuchins living in and nearby Esperanza Verde.
Adopted by Ursula Bachem
Kinkajou (Potos flavus), Male
Born: 2015
As a tiny cub, Kiko was brought to Esperanza Verde by a resident of the local village of Bello Horizonte. He is very active and growing stronger every day. Kiko is now old enough to be reintroduced into the jungle, however every time our team has attempted this, he has been attacked an injured by another wild Kinkajou. Help us provide for Kiko while he resides at our Rescue Centre and adopt him today.
Adopted by Ewald Visser und Marije Bosman

Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix), female
Born: 2015
Chiquita was discovered in a market in Pucallpa where she was dressed as a Princess and her finger nails were painted with nail polish. Fortunately, she was confiscated and brought here to Esperanza Verde. Like many other baby monkeys, her mother had been killed by poachers and she was sold into the illegal wildlife trade. Now safely at our Rescue Centre she is being hand raised by our team and has quickly become a favourite of everyone.
Adopted by family Schönbächler
Brown Capuchin (Cebus apella), female
Born: 2010
Mica was given over to our Rescue Centre at the end of 2010 by a local villager. She was very small and had to be hand raised by our team. When Mica was first released into the jungle she struggled to detach herself from human beings. However more recently she has made impressive progress and has developed a strong attachment to the wild group of Capuchins. To our joy she has given birth to her first baby beginning of 2018.
Adopted by Bigna Schulthess